Voice Over IP

The following is provided as key information and ideas to get started with these technologies and not to be considered a full evaluation of available vendors or any issues associated with vendors.

Ways it can work in your agency:


Not all systems include every feature. Ask vendors if their systems include:

  • Integration with agency management system or customer relationship management system
  • Live chat
  • Call recording
  • Call metrics analysis
  • Texting
  • Videoconferencing
  • Conference calling
  • Call logs
  • Marketing
  • Call transfers
  • Call queuing

Important considerations:



Most systems have subscription pricing which ranges from $10-$55 per user per month. There are a variety of vendor options at the lower end and higher end. Some vendors structure plans around number of minutes and number of texts which can range from $10-$600 per month.

Guide for calculating ROI:

How to quantify the benefit of your VoIP phone system.

(+) Savings on existing phone lines$
(+) Savings on long distance phone charges$
(+) Reducing or eliminating charges for ad hoc services (such as videoconferencing) that are now included in new system$
(-) Additional one-time costs for equipment or consulting to set up new system$
(-) Costs of the new system$
(+) Soft benefits: faster customer responseA model that considers average annual customer value, annual customer churn, and expected improvement in customer churn

Guide for KPIs:

You can use your VoIP system to track a variety of Key Performance Indicators important to your agency.