
The following is provided as key information and ideas to get started with these technologies and not to be considered a full evaluation of available vendors or any issues associated with vendors.

Ways videoconferencing can work in your agency:


Most videoconferencing solutions offer the following features, although not all features are available in the free versions.

  • Conference calling
  • Virtual backgrounds
  • Webinars
  • Calendar integration
  • Combination of voice and video
  • Record meetings
  • Muting and unmuting participants
  • Screensharing
  • Chat
  • Q&A



Pricing ranges from free (with limitations) to $40 per month per account for video conferences. Webinar hosting capabilities may require an additional cost.

Guide for calculating ROI:

How to quantify the benefit of your videoconferencing system.

(+) Savings on travel (for meetings can be held virtually)$
(+) Soft gains: time savings on reduced travelA model based on hours gained multiplied by average hourly rate
(-) Costs of the videoconferencing service$

Guide for KPIs:

You can use your videoconferencing solution to track a variety of Key Performance Indicators important to your agency.