Social Media & Search Advertising

The following is provided as key information and ideas to get started with these technologies and not to be considered a full evaluation of available vendors or any issues associated with vendors.

Ways it can work in your agency:

For a summary of audience and social platforms, check out Pew Research's Social Media Fact Sheet.


  • SEO services
  • Directory listings
  • A/B testing
  • Competitor research and reports
  • Google advertising
  • Facebook ads
  • Photo ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Stories ads
  • Instagram ads

All the major social networks offer advertising options. That doesn't mean you should use all of them.



You set your own ad budgets, which can range from $1 a day to $50+ per day and depending on whether or not you are seeking impressions or clicks. You may also be using a consulting firm to help design and execute your advertising program which can cost up to $1,500 per month or more depending on the scope and number of social media outlets you're targeting.

Guide for calculating ROI:

How to quantify the benefit of your social media and Google ads.

(+) Increase in new sales$
(+) Increase in customer retention rates$
(+) Increase in lead-to-sale conversions$
(-) Advertising consulting fees$
(-) Advertising costs$

Guide for KPIs:

There are a variety of Key Performance Indicators to measure the effectiveness of your social media advertising.

The major social networks offer analytics to help you measure the results of ads. Hootsuite offers several guides on how to use them.