Chat Bots

The following is provided as key information and ideas to get started with these technologies and not to be considered a full evaluation of available vendors or any issues associated with vendors.

Ways it can work in your agency:


  • Ability to monitor the website and engage visitors
  • Mobile optimized experience
  • Integration with email and calendaring
  • Pre-built scripts for common insurance customer interactions
  • Adjust preferences as your agency changes and grows
  • Converse with customers in different languages
  • Integration with agency management system or CRM



Services can standalone, but most often are add-ons to live chat solutions which can cost in the range of $39 to $99/month.

Guide for calculating ROI:

How to quantify the benefit of your chatbot solution.

(+) Customer retention (calculate average annual value of customers X increase in retention rate)$
(+) Increase in new sales (calculate average annual value of new sales X increase in new sales rate)$
(-) Cost of live chat service$

Guide for KPIs:

You can use your chatbot to track a variety of Key Performance Indicators important to your agency.